Sunday, 31 January 2010


Well, the family do went well today and I have been celebrating by looking at all these beautiful shoes!!!

I cannot wait til I qualify and all these beauties will be mine all mine!

Friday, 29 January 2010

Family do

Tonight, I am going to a swanky hotel and staying over for my future mother in laws 60th birthday party. I have been anxious about tonight for sometime as I am going to meet a lot of pies family members I haven`t met before and wanted to make a good impression. In preperation, last night me and my sister had a "ladies night" and fake tanned eachother. Unfortunately I forgot to bring my gloves with me. I woke up this morning and my hands are glowing! I have frantically trawled the internet looking for solutions to my radioactive orange hands. So far today my hands have had a 20 minute soak in lemon juice, a 15 minute "toothpaste mask", have been exfoliated within an inch of their lives, scrubbed with cillit bang, household bleach and sugar and baby oil-nothing has worked! Now my hands are red aswell as orange, wrinkly and withered, and very very sore. I am now going to pies place of work (he is a bus mechanic) in the hope I can borrow some swarfega, before purchasing some hydrogen peroxide on the way back home from the chemists. I just wasn`t born for glamour!
Also I have put some pictures up of disgusting/ridiculous/cool/vile/funny wedding related things I have seen.
Oh! and one more thing! To make things worse I start my placement on Monday at a will anybody let me near their very poorly family members when I look like I emit radiation!! :S


Another one more thing!
I still don`t quite understand this blog malarky so I can`t figure out how to be friends/follow yet :D

I want blonde hair!!!

I have always wanted blonde hair but I think it will look daft :( today I have been procastinating by looking at brunettes who dyed their hair blonde god I`m productive!

I want Shakira hair!!!!! :(

Wednesday, 27 January 2010


Today I have been getting excited about moving in with my wonderful gentleman even though it is a while off............

I want to live here

And sit on this

And store my books here

And slide down these stairs in the morning

And walk up them to go to my bed like this.....

Or my other one that is like this

And my fiancee will wear this

And I will look like this

And hopefully NOT like this (Donatella why?!)

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Some things that make me smile!

need these shoes!

awww this mouse scared the leopard away in the end!

I love this bunny rabbit that is also a sheep very much!

My new blog

Hi!! I am Vici and welcome to my blog-I don`t really know what I`m doing just yet as I`m new but bare with me!